GMAT Score Calculator

December 10, 2024 by CATPrep

Enter your GMAT section scores in the form below. Your section scores range from 0-60 and are not the same as your number correct per section or your score percentile.

If you do not know your GMAT section scores, you can estimate them by sitting for our free GMAT Simulator practice test.

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Disclaimer and Explanation

We use a complex algorithm to estimate your total GMAT score given your verbal and math (quantitative) section scores but this process can never be as accurate as a total score calculation using your raw scores like that used in our comprehensive GMAT Simulator software and on the real GMAT.

Due to the rounding and ten point segmentation the GMAT uses when calculating sectional and total scores from your raw score, the real scoring algorithm commonly produces a slightly different total score for the same pair of sectional scores and vice versa.

For example, it is not an error to see one student earn a total GMAT score of 580 paired with a 35 verbal and 35 math and to also see another student earn a total GMAT score of 570 paired with a 35 verbal and 35 math. This is due to the fact that your total GMAT score is not calculated directly from your GMAT section scores. Instead, both your total and sectional GMAT scores are derived from your underlying raw score.